Welcome to Calm Clear and Connected and the website of Julie Stowasser, M.S., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Julie is the longest practicing EMDR therapist in San Luis Obispo county!
I’m really glad you’re here!
Julie was trained in 1993 and been practicing EMDR therapy since then. EMDR therapy is provided to all ages and for those from Paso Robles to San Luis Obispo and beyond ~ The State of California is served along with Arizona. Some states, during the Pandemic, allow clients more choice across our country.
Extended sessions of 2-hours or more are available for out-of-towners and for those whose treatment path indicates they may benefit from that schedule.
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Research and clinical experience confirm that the number one problem we face is not addiction, domestic violence, or child abuse. Instead:
The number one problem societies face worldwide is the result of untreated or unresolved trauma and neglect.
Trauma and neglect most often begins in our homes.
Once trauma and neglect are treated, we may no longer have the aftermath of domestic violence, child abuse, addiction and the multi-level problems we experience personally, with our health, in our relationships, and at our workplace.
Please click on tabs to explore this site in greater depth to discover many answers to common initial questions about therapy and services offered here.
You also are welcome to visit www.LinkedIn.com for more in-depth professional information.
Extended sessions of two-hours or longer are available on select Mondays and Fridays. Extended sessions offer impressive results for those who travel a distance, or those ready for the powerful benefits extended sessions can offer at the right time for you.
EMDR therapy // Cognitive-Affective-Behavioral therapy // Brainspotting // interpersonal and mind-based therapies, and other specialized modalities are just some of the options available for adults, children, couples, and families. Always, treatment is tailored to you and what might be most efficient and effective for you and is always assesses to ensure your time and money is used wisely.
EMDR therapy can help you with a variety of concerns like anxiety, depression, conflict resolution, relaxation and stress management, parenting and step or blended families, male and female or men’s and women’s issues, anger management, family conflict and family violence, physical and sexual child abuse, batterer intervention, victims of violent crimes, victims of accidents or war, and marital and couples issues. EMDR therapy is empirically validated and A-rated for PTSD. Not many therapies can say that. All ages can be helped by EMDR therapy from infants to the elderly – whether you are coming on your own, or as a couple or a family.
For a free 10 minute telephone consultation please call: 805 544-2273
To help me reach you, please leave your name, telephone number, best days and times to call you back M-F normalize business hours, and indicate if it is OK to leave a message for you. To protect your privacy, I will not leave a message for you if your voice or name is not on your voicemail.
If you don’t hear back from me in 72-hours, please call me again because sometimes messages are not always clear and I’ve been known to write down numbers incorrectly.
After our phone call we can set up an initial intake and assessment appointment and meet to ensure this is the right place for you. With your goals for therapy in mind we can discuss your treatment plan options together, and then set out to accomplish them in the most effective and efficient way possible.
“Grace is to the body what clear thinking is to the mind.”
Duc Francoise de La Rochefoucau 1630 – 1680
This website was last updated September 26, 2024.
Counseling and Psychotherapy EMDR Treatment, Consultation, and Training