EMDR therapy Consultation

Weekend Two’s ALL FIVE HOURS of Group Consultation is available for anyone who has taken any EMDRIA Approved Basic Training

The next all-five-hours  Group Consultation for Weekend 2 will be held virtually, on Saturday February 6, 2021.    We’ll start at 9:00AM, take an hour for you to have lunch on your own, and end by 3:00PM.  

All-5-hours will be received in one day for $275 if payment is received by mail or hand delivery no later than Monday February 1, 2021 at 6:00PM. The fee will be $325 after that with no exceptions.  

Private consultation for you alone or in smaller group you organize may be available.   Please call 805 544-2273 when you are ready.

Anyone who has taken -any- EMDRIA Approved W2 can take the W2 consultation.   If you have taken already attended your required W2 consultation hours, this will make a great refresher and will increase your effective use of EMDR therapy.

More information about types of consultation are below:

Consultations for EMDR therapy trained clinicians pre and post training.

You can get your Basic Training consultation hours here as well as hours for  Certification and  Consultation-for-Consultation.

Consultation in EMDR therapy is provided in these five areas:

  1. Consultation that is required for each weekend of EMDR Basic Training. Ten hours for EMDR Institute or EMDR-HAP trainings.  These hours are a mini-refresher for most who wish to join us but don’t “need” the hours.
  2. EMDR therapy consultation on the fly, for any level, not leading toward any EMDRIA activity.
  3. Independent and on-going EMDR therapy consultation (or other consultation such as in domestic violence, child abuse, psychotherapy in general, or ethical dilemmas, for example) tailored to you for your own professional enhancement specific to your own practice.
  4. Consultation to become Certified in EMDR therapy.
  5. Once Certified, you can seek Consultation-for-Consultation and earn your status as an EMDRIA Approved Consultant in EMDR therapy.

Consultation received by Julie is aligned with EMDR therapy just as it was conducted in the 30+ controlled studies and 12+ nonrandomized studies that rightfully award EMDR therapy the empirically validated and A-rated status it has in the professional and scientific communities.

EMDR Basic Training Consultation is provided to those who have or are currently taking an EMDRIA APPROVED Basic Training through the EMDR Institute or any another EMDRIA Approved training agency. 

When you complete an EMDRIA Approved EMDR therapy training, including that provider’s consultation hours, then, you will receive a certificate of completion.  To become Certified in EMDR therapy, however, is a different matter and requires a higher level of interest and commitment.

Certification in EMDR therapy emphasizes practical applications toward mastering the eight phases and three prongs of EMDR therapy, taking you to a deeper and more thorough understanding of the applications of EMDR therapy across the most common treated populations.

Consultation for those seeking to become an Approved Consultant in EMDR therapy is provided once you’ve become Certified in EMDR therapy.  The bar of competence and mastery is even higher for Consultants.

General Consultation is also available offered to you to help you discover and cultivate, and strengthen and enhance, your existing abilities in practice.  Consultation can assist you in learning and integrating  the protocol into your practice and increase your client’s successful experiences of EMDR therapy – whether you are treating those affected by adverse life experiences in childhood and adulthood, domestic violence, child abuse, or other traumas.

If you would like to discover if this is the right place for you, please call me for a brief and free Q&A.  If all is good, your EMDR therapy consultation can be conducted by phone, in person, or by video, please call  (805) 544-2273.  Or you can email me by clicking here.   

If you email – Please leave your phone number and contact information so I can call you back.              Don’t text – texts are not delivered.

A “Certificate of Completion” is provided when you attend all hours of an EMDRIA Approved EMDR Basic Training.  

This certificate is not the same as becoming “EMDRIA Certified” in EMDR.

The definition of “Certified in EMDR” has been understandingly confusing.  For more information on what role EMDRIA has in qualifying the statuses of licensed mental health professionals who are trained in EMDR therapy, please visit www.emdria.org.

EMDR therapy is “client centered” meaning the client will never do or believe what is not true for them.  Institute trained EMDR therapists do not ever tell the client what their goals, thoughts, beliefs, or wants and should be.


Clinical consultation for domestic violence victims and perpetrators, their families and children, and EMDR with children is also available for you.